We recently returned from our senior conference which was held at Lake Bohinj in Slovenia. We always look forward to attending these conferences because it is a time to connect with the other senior couples that we don't often see, be instructed by our Mission President and his wife, and to hear from the mission presidency. We also have the opportunity to listen to the other couples report on their responsibilities in the mission, as well as report on our own. There is such a diverse number of jobs to do and when you combine the many years of experience we all have, it can only mean one thing -
we are a powerful force! I am so amazed at the things that are being done throughout the mission.
Lake Bohinj |
Subjects that were covered were: public affairs, Seminary and Institute (religion class taught to youth and young adults), humanitarian projects, self-reliance, language, and reports on the various conferences that have been held for the youth (12-18), young single adults (18-30), as well as the single adults (31 and up). In between our conference, we did have some time to see the sights. We stopped at Lake Bled on the way and took a boat ride across to the island. Our captain who rowed us across told us that he has been doing it for 35 years. It was a beautiful island with a majestic church overlooking the lake. We also took a boat ride on Lake Bohinj, climbed 560 steps (give or take a few) to see a waterfall. We visited some cute goats on one of our walks, and saw the amazing Vintgar Gorge. The water was a deep turquoise color and quite spectacular.
Vintgar Gorge |
Billy (the goat) |
Doug & Vicky, EK's brother and his wife visited with us for several days and are now off to explore other beautiful places in Europe. We enjoyed having them here. Before they left, we traveled to the Lepoglava Lace Festival that I have been looking forward to attending for months. It is held in a tiny town that once a year comes alive with activity. Several countries were represented with lace displays and people demonstrating the art. We picked up Sisters Pratt and Davenport in Zagreb and the six of us enjoyed the day together. We spent the morning looking at all of the beautiful and intricate lace designs. We all had lunch before we headed out to Zagreb for another event to attend.

Bobbin lace making |
On the last day of our conference, one of the senior couples received devastating news that their daughter was critically ill. They quickly packed, checked out of the hotel, and left for Beograd where they were currently serving. President and Sister Grant drove with them to Serbia and they flew back home to Idaho the next day where they were able to spend time with Sara before she passed on. We will miss them and their dedication to the work. It is every parent's worst nightmare to receive such news. Our hearts ache for the Petersons and pray that they will be comforted and strengthened in this trial. In Isaiah 25: 8 it tells us that
He will swallow up death in victory; and the Lord God will wipe away tears from off all faces. We are grateful for God's plan and the promise that we can be forever families. God's plan is for us to be successful in this life and to return to live with Him. The Atonement of Jesus Christ is the center of this plan. In Matthew 16:19 it says,
And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. God's plan or the Plan of Salvation gives us the lifeline of hope that we need to cope with the loss of our loved ones. I am grateful for this plan, designed by a loving Father in Heaven.
Word of the week:
snaga which means