Is that Christmas I see sneaking around the corner? Thank goodness Santa has Amazon Prime! We are ready for Thanksgiving. I found a hard-to-find turkey at Metro and we will have our feast on Thursday afternoon. No pumpkin, but I'm sure I'll come up with some other scrumptious dessert. Then in the evening, we teach our first Institute Class.
We are excited to view the new Church Christmas video entitled "A Savior Is Born". The Church makes it available in selected languages and we found out that Hrvatski (Croatian) will be one of the languages! It will be available Nov. 29th and here is the link: What a wonderful way to start the Christmas Season.
We have been trying to keep up with what's going on back home and checking the internet, it seems that some of the topics include: the presidential debate and...Starbuck's Christmas cups. I had to look closer at the last one because honestly, with everything that is going on around the world, do we really care if Starbuck's put out plain red cups this year? My opinion is that their caramel apple cider would taste good in any cup. I could go for one right now...
We attended to a lovely concert at the Zorin Dom in Karlovac after our language class. We invited friends from the Karlovac Branch. We sat back and listened to the gifted musicians perform on their harp and flute. I appreciate good glazba! We walked home afterwards, enjoying the cool evening air, and the smell of wood fires as people stoked up their furnaces.
Is he questioning his choice? |
Typical cheese choice |
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Budapest, Hungary |
EK had a Priesthood Leadership Conference in Budapest, Hungary last week. Did we ever think we would be in Budapest? It was lovely. The ladies were able to squeeze in some sightseeing. We took a trolley tour and ended our day with a boat ride down the Danube River.
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God bless you, Elder Williams |
Sister VanWagoner |
Sister VanWagoner was transferred this week and we had to take her to Slovenia. It is hard to say goodbye to our missionaries when they leave us. When we first came on our mission, President Grant told us
that we would grow close to these special young people. It is so true. They are a blessing to us.
It has been a rough week as we also had to say goodbye to our dear Elder Williams who returned home due to illness. He has been such a support for us in the start of our mission and we will miss his sweet and positive influence in our district and mission.
Our word of the week: snijeg which means snow. We had a light snowfall on Friday and EK was so happy he didn't have to shovel!
Yeah, that Starbucks stuff is pretty silly. Looks like you're really settling in, its hard to believe you left just a few months ago. Happy thanksgiving!