
Thursday, March 10, 2016

Where There is Unity, There is Strength

Fun time at the dance!
A committee was formed to plan the first Singles Conference for the Adriatic North Mission.  People from five countries, and who spoke three languages participated.  Thanks to our amazing President and Sister Lotrič, we were able to translate all the necessary materials for the event.  The Lotrič's are from Slovenia and are a blessing to the mission.  President Loctrič  is First Counselor in the Mission Presidency. They work tirelessly for the mission and cheerfully participate wherever they are needed. They are an example to us all, especially to Church members in the ANM.

Our conference was last
The whole group
weekend from Friday afternoon to Saturday afternoon.  It was a huge success.  We had 30 people attend, and many activities were planned for the two days.  We had spiritual firesides, devotionals, and a beautiful testimony meeting to close the conference.  We also had a dance on Friday night.
There were singles from the ages of 31 to 71 attending and they were all out on the floor.  We had a sister who showed us Bosnian Folk dances.

Those who came from a distance, stayed at the mission home Friday night, and the rest of us stayed up the road at the Vila Tina Hotel.

Our Karlovac members
We had amazing workshops on Saturday including team building activities, social networking, mountain climbing (yes, really), and a workshop on identifying body language. There were many involved in the planning and we were all blessed by the success of it.  Everyone was so appreciative, and we are planning another one in September.  I think the word may get around and we will have an even larger group attend.

We went to the MUP (again) last week, and we finally got our visa cards.  We are legal!  It only took five months.  It looks like a driver's license and when we leave we have to give it back.  I'd like to keep it as a souvenir but I don't think they will let me.

We had our monthly testimony meeting today at church.  The three sisters who attended the conference got up and spoke about it, and then I was surprised (and thrilled) when T got up to bear his testimony.  I think it was his first time.  I noticed that he seemed tired and he later told EK that he had gotten up in the middle of the night to write down some things because he knew he had to get up to speak on Sunday.  What a special young man he is, we really love him.  The time was coming to a close but people kept getting up to speak, and we actually went over.

Will we ever learn?
We were locked out of our apartment...again.  This time EK left his keys in the door as we left and shut the door.  I had my keys, but the problem was my key wouldn't go in with his keys in on the other side.  Elder Hillock came to the rescue, and with a credit card, was able to open the door.  Luckily it is usually not that easy to break in, as we have numerous dead bolts when we lock up for the night.
Local mailmen

We have gone to the Posta numerous times to mail things.  There is usually one person in the bunch who can understand English.  I make sure to say "avionska pošta" so it goes by plane and not on a slow boat to China, or in my case Wisconsin or Utah. We have never seen mailmen on the street until recently.  We wondered how they got around and we found a couple on duty riding their bikes with their pack of mail on the back.

EK had a meeting in Zagreb, so he dropped me off at the Avenue Mall and picked me up afterwards.  I found a few things for summer and then he picked me up to go a movie with some Zagreb Branch members.  We saw The Gods of Egypt and we thought it was pretty good.  It as our first movie in Croatia.  The movies are all in English with Croatian subtitles.   The theatre had plush seats and since it was Wednesday, it was only $3.50.  What a deal for our date night.

Word of the week:  avionska pošta which means:  airmail

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