We love you, Elder Poore! |
Elders Mangeris and Pantelakis |

This week was transfer week, which means missionaries sometimes move to new areas. Our two sisters went home this week, after serving for 18 months. We said farewell to Sister Washburn and Sister Peterson and wished them well. They will be forever blessed for their service and this mission will be better for the work they have done. We also had to say goodbye to Elder Poore who is being transferred to Podgorica which is in Montenegro. He is excited at the opportunity to train a new missionary and be a District Leader. He is our Minnesota Elder and we plan on seeing him again after our mission. We are blessed to meet many amazing people both young and not so young on this mission. He was replaced by Elder Pantelakis, an experienced missionary who had been serving in Beograd, Serbia.
Proud Papa |
Dušan and EK |
We went to the hospital last week, to meet the newest member of our Branch. President and Sister Raić had their baby and he is beautiful! His name is Luka and his parents are very happy! We took dinner over to them tonight (and to get another look at the precious bundle). They have waited a long time for this little blessing.
We travelled to Zadar last weekend and stopped to see Dušan in Koranica, which is about half way between Karlovac and Zadar. He always gives us a warm welcome and his sweet wife provides us with refreshments. Many times when you visit people in Croatia, you are served sok (juice) and sweets. Sometimes they will serve a meal. They are gracious hosts and sharing their food with you is a must. Since Dušan only speaks a little English, we were able to practice our limited Hrvatski with him. It was good for us, as it forces us to concentrate on the language. I was on the sidelines hurriedly looking up words in my dictionary. It worked out quite well and the time went all too quickly before we had to leave. We said our goodbyes and hopefully we can see him again in July, maybe with Kate and Gavin.
Mario and EK |
Catch of the day |

In Zadar, we stayed at our favorite hotel and was greeted by our favorite desk clerk Mario. He always makes us feel like we are excelling in our language skills and we know he is just being kind. We love being near the water, and we walked around Old Town and saw the Roman ruins, the Sea Organ, and walked across the bridge to the marina so EK could take a look at the sailboats. It was a lovely walk and as we were near a park we heard accordian music and cheering. A wedding party was making their way through the park and walking towards the marina. I got a few pictures of the happy group, and the bride even gave me a wave. We had dinner with the Dever's (senior couple serving in Zadar), and took a ride along the beautiful coast. We attended church the next day with the Zadar Branch. We taught a combined adult class. There are always challenges when you are trying to teach and it has to be interpreted into another language. You may have a thought that comes to mind and as you are expressing it, you have to remember to pause and give the interpreter a chance to speak. It doesn't flow as you would like it to. Sometimes you will forget and keep going, and then you look over and see a panicked look on your interpreter's face. Then you know you need to slow down.
English class |
We taught English class alone on Tuesday because the sister missionaries were in Zagreb , and the Elders were busy teaching a Bosnian family on Skype who are living in Switzerland. The family lives in a French speaking part of Switzerland, and since they do not know French, the missionaries there cannot teach them, so they requested missionaries from here to teach them in their native language, Bosnian. Our Croatian missionaries were able to teach them because the two languages are very similar. Isn't technology amazing?
Word of the week is:
riba (ree ba)
which means
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